A Guide to Mental Health Support

If you feel it, it’s real. No problem is too small and your feelings shouldn’t be dismissed when it comes to your mental wellbeing. Even if you’re unsure about the kind of support you need, a good place to start is to talk about it. Know that help is always within reach.
Don’t Bottle Things Up
Talk about your feelings with someone you trust – be it about your fears or feelings of uncertainty, or even if it’s to just help them understand how they can support your mental wellbeing.
If you prefer to share your feelings with others who might be experiencing the same thing, you can reach out to online support groups like IASH.SG Youth Discord Server and Huddleverse.
If you’re unsure about the type of mental health support you need, you can reach out to the care professionals from a first-stop touchpoint, Community Outreach Teams (CREST/CREST-Youth), who will advise you. You can also consult your General Practitioner (GP) or Polyclinic Doctor about your struggles to receive an assessment and possible treatment.
If You’re Worried About Keeping Things Private
Don’t be! Your visits to the doctor or a social service agency are confidential. Your health records cannot be shared without your permission. The only exception to this rule is when it’s ordered by a court of law, or if there’s a need to prevent harm to yourself or to others.