Find Support Within Your Community

There are many services within your community that can support you on your mental health journey. Many social service agencies are fully funded by the government and there is no out-of-pocket cost. These include the Community Outreach Teams (CREST/CREST-Youth) and Community Intervention Teams (COMIT)/Youth Integrated Teams (YIT). There are also GPs, Polyclinics, and hospitals that provide mental health support.
Search for Community Mental Health Services here
Community Outreach Team (CREST/CREST-Youth)
CREST/CREST-Youth is the first-stop touchpoint that can advise you on the kind of mental health support you need and provide emotional support.
You can contact a CREST provider directly to make an appointment, where a trained professional will get to know you and identify your mental health needs. After which, they will develop a personalised plan to guide you on your mental health journey and connect you to additional support like counselling or therapy.
Find CREST providers near you here
Community Intervention Team (COMIT) / Youth Integrated Team (YIT)
COMIT and YIT provides mental health assessment and treatment like counselling and therapy.
You can contact a COMIT and YIT provider directly to make an appointment if you’re seeking counselling or therapy. But if you’re unsure about the kind of treatment you need, try making an appointment with a CREST provider first and they will help advise you.
Find COMIT/YIT providers near you here
General Practitioners (GP) or Polyclinic Doctors
During your appointment, the GP or Polyclinic Doctor will assess your condition to determine your diagnosis and prescribe medication if necessary.
You may also be referred to COMIT for therapy and support.